«Detailed Program

ID 148

A Study on the Breakup of a Rotating Liquid Jet

Chun-Chia Chang
National Cheng Kung University

Chun-Kuei Chen
National Cheng Kung University

Ta-Hui Lin
National Cheng Kung University



The breakup process of a rotating liquid jet was experimentally studied by varying the jet velocity and the rotation speed. In this study, we found out that the imposed rotation would shorten the breakup length of a liquid jet due to its extra disturbance. On the other hand, hysteresis behavior occurred during the use of relatively large nozzle diameter, which indicated that the critical flow rate of the transition from dripping to jetting (DJ) is different from that from jetting to dripping (JD). Consequently, we further analyzed the critical rotating speed (JD) and the critical flow rate (DJ) in this hysteresis zone. As for the last part of this study, once the breakup patterns had been deducted, we could divide the breakup modes into three distinguishable patterns basically by how the droplets formed, steady formation, two-drop coalescence, and multiple-drop coalescence, respectively. Lastly, the mutual interaction between these three patterns and how the rotation affected the outcomes of a liquid jet were determined in this research.